Although "Creativity in the Classroom" was described as a "brief online course", I wouldn't describe it as such.  Topics/tools/programs were basically just introduced, and many more hours were spent preparing that week's assignment.  For me, as a novice,  this course was labor intensive but rewarding.

Would I recommend it?  Unequivocally YES!  However, be prepared to spend some time working through it.

Blogging can be used in any number of ways. It can be used to form a discussion forum, post short current events articles and invite students' thoughts, foster communication among multiple classes, serve as a log of student progress on a research assignment, post photos and homework assignments online, and much more.

Technology is integrated into our lives.  Almost every student uses social media tools such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter--it's the way our students communicate.

Blogging is just another tool in our technology toolboxes! 

There are several benefits of using video to enhance the classroom experience for students.  The presence of video generally makes instruction more appealing to learners.  It is an excellent tool to expose language to learners, and tests comprehension as well.  Anything teachers can do to motivate their students is a bonus!

How times have changed . . .  LOL!
The simple assignment of animating a stick man wasn't easy and turned out to be a very time-consuming task for me (a total novice!) 
"Big and Small" Assignment examples.




    Karen Jacobson, M.Ed has been teaching at Laser, an alternative high school in Kalispell, Montana, for 15 years.